Frequently Asked Questions

Use the search bar on the right to find an FAQ, or browse through the listing of all FAQs. If you have a question that is not listed here, please email the Justice Court.

Parking Violations
Why is my parking ticket not in the online ticket system?

Handwritten parking tickets typically have a delay in being processed into the system. If you do not immediately see your ticket, you may need to check the system again in a few days.

Alternatively, if you’d like to pay sooner, visit or call (914) 670-1194. You may also visit the Justice Court office located at 120 Larchmont Avenue and pay in-person.

When is Parking Violations Court scheduled?

Parking Violations Court are typically the last Thursday of the month (subject to rescheduling). Please check the Village Calendar for exact dates. 

Criminal Cases and Moving Violations
How do I pay my fines and surcharges for criminal cases and moving violations?

Payments are due at the time of sentencing in court. Payments can be made online at Payments can also be made at the Court Clerk’s office by cash, check, credit/debit card, or money order.

When is Criminal/Traffic Court scheduled?

Criminal and Traffic Court is typically scheduled every Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

Please check the Village Calendar for exact dates. 

General Questions
How do I contact the Court?

You can contact the Court via email at, or by calling (914) 834-1826.

You can also visit the Court Clerk’s Office window. The Court Clerk’s Office is open Monday thru Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.

When is court scheduled?

Criminal and Traffic Court is typically scheduled every Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

Parking Violations Court are typically the last Thursday of the month (subject to rescheduling). 

Please check the Village Calendar for exact dates. 

Can I view records of the Larchmont Village Court?
Please fill out the form linked here, and submit it in-person or via mail to the Justice Court located on the second floor of Village Hall. You may also email a filled-out form to the Court Clerk.